i can only guess at the goss that must have gone around when i finally got the chop.
i had started an affaire with a married sis i had always fancied. Her husband and i were friends: i was teaching him to drive. He confided in me his marriage was in a bad way--no sex. I was surprised-to say the least. Long story short--he suggested to me we could try a bit of swapping to liven things up. LOL--it did that alright. ( He was baptised ! But rather weak in every way )
this is how it started:
I attended the circuit assembly--and the 4 of us sat together in the public talk. Afterwards--he invited us to their place for the evening. After a meal--he and my wife went to their kitchen to clean up--and he whispered to my to try my luck with his wife--give her a kiss--see what happened . I did.
Over the next few weeks it all got way out of hand. My wife filed for divorce--even though we were still living together. I moved out--rented a place and the affaire went on. After a while the husband came to see me--said he was also moving out and would i like to move in to his house--with his wife !
His wife was d/f--and apparently it was announced i couldnt be d/f because i had resigned years before ( which was true )--but should be treated as an apostate and shunned. Hey ho--if it makes the bros happy!
I did move in with her It was all chaotic. Their kids were in the same school classes as my 2 boys. He was constantly turning up to see his kids--and rowing with his wife . One day i grabbed him and threw him out into the street. At the end of that summer i had had enough--and moved out of that mess.
She and i carried on seeing each other--and staying over, but i knew she wanted to make things right and get re-instated..which meant marrying or going our separate ways. I chose the latter..there was no way i was going back to that cult. Stuff em.
All the above is true and took place between autumn 1980 and spring 1982. By then--other scandals were breaking in that congregation so i think i was forgotten about.